Friday, 20 June 2014


Baldwin, E. (2013). What are the biomechanics involved in a golf swing to maximize distance? [Web blog]. Retrieved from
Beck, J. (2013). The Biomechanics of a Golf Drive [Web blog]. Retrieved from
Blazevich, A. (2008). Sports Biomechanics, The Basics: Optimising Human Performance. London: A&C Black.
Blazevich, A. (2012). Sports Biomechanics The Basics Optimising Human Performance. Sydney: Bloomsbury Sport.
Chu, Y., Sell, T. & Lephart. (2010). The relationship between biomechanical variables and driving performance during the golf swing. Journal of sports sciences, 28 (11) 1251-1259).
Foley, S., & Kaspriske, R. (2010). 4 Steps to Save Your Back: Take off the stress and play golf pain-free. Australian Golf Digest. Issue July 2010: 82-85.
Free Online Golf Tips (2014). Golf Fundamentals [Online Web site]. England. Retrieved from http://free-online-golf-
Goehl, C. (2002). A simplified approach for teaching golf to beginners. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 73, 12-13.
Hume, P., Keogh, J. & Reid, D. (2005) The role of biomechanics in maximizing distance and accuracy of golf shots. Sports Medicine, 35 (5), 429-249.
Lloyd, B. (1990, April 9). ON YOUR OWN; No More Cold Golf Balls, The New York Times. Retrieved from
Smith, S. (2000) from the Golf digest labs: Hitting the sweet spot. Golf Digest, 51 (8), 25.
Storum, D. (2006). Kinetic vest gives instructors insight to flawed golf swings. Boulder County Business Report, 25(18), 2-27A
Veritasium. (2011, November 24). What is the Magnus Force? [Video file] Retrieved from
wikiHow (n.d.). How to Drive a Golf Ball [Online Web Article]. Retrieved from


As the golf drive is so biomechanically detailed, it is possible to transfer much of this knowledge to other sports that have hitting (throw-like movement) patterns as a guideline. For instance, the kinetic summation of forces is present in both the batting and bowling/ pitching motions of cricket and baseball, as well as the volleyball and tennis serves, and perhaps even a tennis forehand cross-court power shot for maximum velocity of the ball.

Tennis uses the Magnus Effect frequently, in fact the professional players use some sort of spin on every shot, trying to outwit their opponent, while rugby balls are passed with deliberate spin inflicted by the players’ hands, and are shaped with a point at each end to lessen the amount of drag on the ball when it is thrown, for short, sharp, fast passes. Soccer players such as David Beckham are famous for being able to “bend the ball”, but we now know that they are masters at using biomechanical principles to their favour.
Other games such as squash, badminton and hockey use levers to aid in achieving maximum ball velocity, in fact any racquet or stick sports do, perhaps even croquet at times!

Then of course there are the track and field athletes who close-to strain the laws of biomechanics with what they can do with their bodies whilst performing; using principles discussed such as Newton’s laws and ground reaction force (GRF) in the jumping and running events, Magnus Force and drag/ propulsion principles in the throwing events (eg. Discuss, shot-put, javelin), and the (almost every principle but mainly) kinetic chain example of the pole-vaulters!

It is important to use the equipment and physical implements of any sport to their optimal potential, and understand how they are designed to work in the player’s favour. It could make the player’s task of skill development that little bit easier by correctly using the appropriate tools! 



Once the ball is in flight, there are, again, a number of factors that may affect its displacement.

If the ball is hit on either side of the sweet spot on the club face, it creates sideways spin on the ball, and will cause the ball to either hook or slice (curve sideways during flight). Similarly, if the ball is hit from too low on the club face (hitting the top of the ball), it will create topspin, and the Magnus effect will cause the ball to drop sooner than it should (YOU TUBE REF). If the ball is hit from underneath with the top of the club face, it will create too much vertical velocity and not enough horizontal, and therefore will not be projected as far as it possibly could.

The Magnus Effect (or Magnus Force) occurs when there are different air speeds on either side of the spinning ball (Blazevich, 2008, p. 178), making the air change the direction in which it is travelling. For example, if the air on the right-hand side of the ball is travelling in the same direction as the spin of the ball, that air is dragged along the surface of the ball, and travels faster than the air on the left side of the ball, which is travelling in the opposite direction to the ball’s spin, meaning that the air will slow right down, creating air pockets and high relative pressure on that side, that will lift or direct the ball in the direction of the spin (Blazevich, 2008, p. 178; Veritasium, 2011) See video below for further explanation. 

Picture: Magnus Force around a golf ball.

Video: Detailed explanation of the Magnus Force. (Source: Veritasium, 2011, November 24)

When analyzing how to play a shot, one must think about the effect of drag on propulsion. How much wind is there, and how strong is it? Is it blowing from behind, or is it a headwind? Is it warm, or is there rain, sleet or hail? If there is lightening, be sure to not play at all, but the other environmental constraints play a large part in the flight of the ball. Drag is essentially air forces that resist motion, and therefore affect the propulsion rate of the ball (Blazevich, 2008, p. 152). Lloyd (1990) reported that heated golf balls travel further than unheated ones, as the friction around the ball is reduced when the ball is in flight, and therefore the ball would lower the air resistance around it.

The dimples in a golf ball are an important asset to it that many people are not aware of. They trap air particles in and around them whilst the ball is in flight, creating a boundary layer, and an accumulation of air molecules at the front of the ball, so that other molecules are separated from the laminar flow earlier, and can flow more effortlessly around the ball (Blazevich, 2008, p. 138); a smooth ball would have a much bigger accumulation of air molecules around its surface, and therefore would not travel as far (See pic below).

Picture: The positive effect of dimples on a golf ball for aerodynamics. 


The drive is the launching stroke used off the tee when playing a hole of golf. While distance is important for other strokes as well, the drive sets up how far the following shots need to be hit in order for the ball to reach the green, so it is important to know how to drive as far as possible to save playing unneeded shots later on the hole.

There are a number of biomechanical factors that can affect the distance a golf ball travels; some of which the player has control over, and others that are external factors that the player cannot control. The personal aspects must all be performed explicitly in order to achieve optimal distance and accuracy. Environmental constraints may affect ball flight once the ball has been hit, such as wind, rain, and temperature, as well as other principles such as aerodynamics, drag and spin.

The golfer’s swing must be performed as a whole ‘fluid’ movement, and follows a throw-like movement pattern using kinetic sequencing; where the combination of the body rotation, arm swing and follow through will increase the kinetic energy that the body produces (Blazevich, 2012), transferring that onto the golf ball. It is therefore important that the player has good grounding with his/ her legs and feet for stability and balance in order to get the initial force behind the shot.

There are four phases to the golf drive; (1) the setup (or preparation), (2) the backswing, (3) the downswing, and (4) the follow-through phase (Hume, Keogh, & Reid, 2005).


As mentioned previously, balance and stability are very important as a base support, as a lot of power is initiated from the legs, and the player’s centre of balance must be stable in order to rotate effectively. Goehl (2002) states that it is “almost impossible to have a good swing without a good stance”, and that the player’s feet should be about shoulder width apart (although this is variable) with slight flexion in the knees to enhance balance. The larger the area of base support, the more stable the golfer is, however if it becomes too large, it can restrict movement (Blazevich, 2008). Weight distribution begins centred, and evenly balanced between heels and toes, however during the backswing the majority of weight should be on the back leg to support where the club is as the body rotates. Bending at the knees, and transferring the majority of the weight to the back leg also engages ground reaction force (GRF), which demonstrates Newton’s third law that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Blazevich, 2008, p. 43), allowing the player to push off the ground to get more force in the strike.

Correct posture is important to maintain throughout the shot to ensure injuries do not occur to the lumbar spine (Free Online Golf Tips, 2014), that is not designed for rotation. The twisting action should be located in the thoratic spine (mid-back) (Foley & Kaspriske, 2010), which is the central point of rotation, with the body only bending at the hips, not through the back.

When setting up the shot, the ball should be placed on a tee (about ¾ of the way up the club face in height when the club is resting on the ground), in line with the inside heel of the front foot, and far enough in front of the player that it is at the end of the club shaft when the player is standing relaxed in the “contact” stage. The aim is to hit the ball in the centre of the clubface (the “sweet spot”) for maximum drive distance (Smith, 2000). Lining the shot up accurately before the backswing means that the only thing the player needs to worry about is executing the correct body movement in the swing.


As the backswing and the downswing phases contain similar movements, we will look at the biomechanical factors that are associated with both of them together.

As mentioned previously, the golf swing is a brilliant example of a throw-like movement pattern, where a summation of forces occurs throughout the body, starting at the proximal body parts, and continuing to the distal segments (Blazevich, 2008, p. 186). In the case of golf, the accumulated forces are further transferred through the hands and fingers to the club, and then transferred onto the ball. This kinetic sequencing allows the player to build up much more force to hit the ball with than if they simply tapped the ball with a flick of the wrists (Blazevich, 2012). Hume, et al. (2005) suggest that if the swing is executed correctly, the amount of kinetic energy is greater than the sum of the parts.

The kinetic chain starts with the feet pushing into the ground. Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Blazevich, 2008, p. 43), so when the feet push into the earth, the ground exerts an opposing force, called the ground reaction force (GRF) (Blazevich, 2008, p. 43). This starts the summation of forces, and gives the lower body power that is transferred to the hips and torso, then continues to the elbows, wrist acceleration, and through the hands and fingers to the club (Hume, et al., 2005). A study done by Chu, Sell and Lephart (2010) showed that greater vertical ground reaction force of the leading foot at the beginning of the downswing indicated greater weight shifting forward, and resulted in more force being transferred to the ball. Finally, the momentum is transferred to the golf ball, that when hit in the correct place on the face of the club, at the correct angle, will travel to the target destination.

As the ball is struck, the body’s weight should be transferred to the front leg. By transferring the weight at that point, it can generate a greater club head velocity at ball impact (Hume, et al., 2005). The club head is the only thing that makes direct contact with the ball, so if the club head velocity is high, then there is also a high amount of energy transferred to the golf ball, helping it to fly further. This follows Newton’s second law: The acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object (Blazevich, 2008, p. 43). Almost every aspect of a golfer’s personal swing style affects the club head velocity, so it is paramount to get the kinetic sequence functioning effectively, as it has been proven that when the summation of forces is at its strongest, maximum club-head speed is achieved (Hume et al., 2005). Bradshaw, et al. (2009) proved that club head velocity was linearly related to shot success, and Hume et al. (2005) found that the major contribution to club head velocity was the angle and movement of the wrists.

Momentum of the ball is determined by its mass multiplied by the velocity put upon it, and because in golf the mass of the ball does not change, the only way to increase momentum is to increase the velocity through the ball (Hume et al., 2005), hence aiming to achieve maximum club-head velocity.
Hitting the ball in the centre of the club (called the sweet spot) is vital to ensure that the ball receives the maximum amount of force possible from the kinetic energy summation in order to travel the furthest distance (Smith, 2000).

As the club is an extension of the forearms, it acts as a third class lever that produces more force due to the downswing; the driver being the longest club therefore produces the most force of all the clubs (according to the principal of leverages), increasing the velocity that can be achieved (Beck, 2013; Baldwin, 2013).